Jeremy Ward

Performing Artist

Los Angeles

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What’s up y’all, Jeremy here!

A bold & magnetic performer giving my art to this world by way of LA.

I was born and raised in southeastern Ohio, but my whole life I've aspired to bigger and better. My hometown is on the Ohio River right across from West Virginia, making me a country boy by default. I like to say I'm country smart with a city heart. I was always bound and determined to make it out of my small, rural town because of that city heart. Since realizing my true passion is performing, my dreams have only kept growing, pushing me to continually better myself and my craft, so I can keep sharing my art with the world.


The Secret Garden, Shenandoah Conservatory.

Photo by Caroline Madden

Right after university, I booked a gig as a lead vocal soloist with a cruise company. I spent the first few years of my professional, adult life traveling the world, being abroad for the first time ever. I was always a very independent person growing up, but this experience brought new meaning to being self-sufficient and 'grown up'; I learned so much about myself while I was abroad while also learning countless lessons, many of them hard-knock, about being a working professional and fending for yourself. I cherish the lessons I collected prior to moving to hard-hitting, fast-paced cities like NYC, where I lived for 7 years, and LA, where I’m currently based.


The Music Man, Theatre By The Sea.

Photo by Steven Richard

Navigating a post-pandemic world as a performer has proven to be a challenge that’s a daily practice in patience and perseverance. On my journey, I like to focus on expelling unnecessary negativity from my day-to-day thoughts, words, and actions. We have such a short time here to be focused on things that don't produce positivity and support for each other. I want to use my crafts to create positivity, connect with people, and alleviate their minds and souls, if even for a moment. A moment can be all someone needs; if I can provide that, that's all I need.



AIDA Stars in Concert, AIDAblu


"We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?... we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson


Peace and love,


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